Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not reinventing the wheel (again)

As I mentioned in two previous posts, I’ve been doing some 3-D graphics programming using the Perl interface to SDL. SDL is quite fast for 2-D graphics, but it doesn’t do 3-D on its own; so there’s a stack on my desk over a foot high of used textbooks with titles like Introduction to Computer Graphics Algorithms from which I’ve extracted the matrix transforms for various kinds of projections of a given pixel from threespace to twospace (orthographically onto a planar "window" given by a certain equation, seen in perspective by an eye located at given points, and so on). It’s been educational, but the results I’m getting are unusably slow, and I think they would still be too slow even if I were using a faster language. So, it’s time to start using a graphics library that supports 3-D—that is, one where someone else has already done the hard part of writing optimized code to do those transforms. It’s one of the hardest lessons to learn as a new software engineer transitioning into the workforce from school: it’s OK to use other people’s code; it’s better, in fact, to use other people’s code in the form of using existing libraries, rather than reinventing the wheel. (Jeff Atwood wrote an interesting contrarian blog post on why reinventing the wheel is sometimes, in special cases, the right thing to do: in general, the preference for reinvention is proportional to the need for performance; but note that there’s no consideration of cost there. Ironically, reinventing the wheel in the software sense is more likely to be favored by the ill-informed or non-technical manager, who doesn’t understand [the accepted wisdom] that it’s "always" better to buy than to build).

The obvious choice, one that’s been around for years with lots of support in the form of books, tutorials, and sample code online, is OpenGL with the GLUT libraries. The GLUT sample code I’ve skimmed seems to have (at a very high level) a two-part structure—you first set up the parameters for a 3-D rendering (the minimal case being an object and a view, with no light sources, texturemapping, or other complicated/cool stuff), and then you spawn a thread or another process to do the actual rendering on the fly until told to terminate. I’m not sure yet how this will square with the fact that I want the rendering to refresh in real time per the new data I’m collecting from the server. Let’s pull some numbers out of a hat: say I have a Perl program that runs all day long, sleeping most of the time, but waking up every five minutes to web-scrape and munge some derivatives-pricing data; say the latter takes about a minute, allowing for the bottleneck of my mediocre broadband connection. It sends that data on to the graphics code, which creates an interesting 3-D graph or visualization1 in n minutes. Then that 3-D image pops up in a window, rotating slowly so that you can see it well enough to interpret it. If n<4, then the whole thing can repeat ad infinitum. If n>4, then the rendering is going to lag behind (and more behind, and more behind...) the data collection, and become useless. Depending on how GLUT works, I might be able to kill two birds with one stone—minimize n, and minimize CPU load—by avoiding the real-time render entirely: I’m hoping that I can actually have OpenGL render the frames of a smooth 360-degree rotation of the graph from start to finish as image files. Then these could be converted to an animated GIF (if they aren’t already) and shown on a web page containing other useful data (which itself could get updated every five minutes, continuing the example, or more often). Meanwhile, the Perl code sleeps again, and then wakes up and continues the cycle...

I want to have the possibility of running this code on OS X, where I spend most of my time, or on Linux, or on Windows 2000 or Windows XP (which I run in virtual machines here and there for various reasons). Toward that end, in turn, I’m requiring myself to write the most portable code possible: since OpenGL and GLUT are (intended to be) entirely platform-independent within the limits of the hardware they’re run on, there’s no sense in doing anything else. To refamiliarize myself with the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE2 I’ll be coding my GLUT app as a Win32 application in C++, if necessary using some simple but not too kludgy wrapper classes around C code full of function pointer callbacks that’s sadly inherent to the Win32 libraries (well, I guess I can give them a break... it was the ‘90s.). However, if the instructions I’ve found for writing cross-platform-safe GLUT code for Linux and Windows using VS 2005 are accurate, that shouldn’t be a problem.

But I’m also going to try writing the whole thing in POGL, the Perl OpenGL/GLUT bindings, which are claimed to be just as fast as using OpenGL via C or C++ or <insert compiled language here> That makes the parsing that I referred to here easier since I won’t have to call Perl from a compiled C++ program (obviously a performance hit to be avoided) and I won’t have to find a regular expression library for C++ (of which I'm sure there are plenty, but the differences in regexp syntax between them and Perl would probably be unpleasant).

  1. The form of which is a secret—I can’t give away all my tricks, can I? However, one of the books in that big pile is a collection of academic papers called something like Topics in Scientific Data Visualization, so you can guess I’m headed into some pretty wild territory. (Here be dragons!)[back]

  2. One of the few truly great pieces of programming to come out of Redmond, it pains me somewhat to admit, along with Excel 2003 and the old QuickBASIC compiler (the distant MS-DOS ancestor of Visual BASIC, for you young whippersnappers). [back]

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